Due to COVID-19, we have had to change many aspects of our daily lives. The same is true for dog training. At Daytripper, our goal is to offer a safe environment for our students and ourselves.
We comply with the Ontario Government’s guidelines at all times.
Thank you to all of our students for understanding and complying with our health and safety protocol, including the below measures (subject to change based on evolving Government guidelines).
Do not come to class if you or anyone in your home or bubble have experienced any of the following:
Cough, fever
Unexplained, new or worsening:
Shortness of breath
Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
Muscle aches
Fatigue, general malaise
Loss of smell and/or taste
Travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days
Have had unprotected exposure to a patient who has, or has symptoms consistent with, COVID-19
A Public Health Authority has advised you to isolate
Two people per dog are allowed.
Physical/social distancing is in effect at all times.
Face masks that cover both mouth and nose are encouraged, though not mandatory.
If you are registering for a class, be sure you are comfortable with our guidelines. Students not complying with these guidelines will be excused from class, and no refunds will be given.
These guidelines may seem restrictive and it may be challenging to avoid old habits. Please know that keeping our students, their families, ourselves and our community safe and healthy is of utmost importance to us.